Butterfly Project

The Butterfly Project is collective of peer mentors and parents who have been supported by New Beginnings. The collective is supported by the New Beginnings team and it is funded by Big Lottery.
We have learned that when parents complete the New Beginnings programme, their journey does not come to an end. Instead of leaving and starting afresh, many of our parents ask to remain connected to us either for support or because they want to help other parents who join the programme.
The Butterfly Project is the part of New Beginnings which provides opportunities for parents to spread their wings and try new things. At the end of the programme, some parents may choose to train and become a peer mentor. However, while this is a great opportunity for some parents, we recognise that not all parents want to be peer mentors in the traditional sense. Some parents want to remain connected for ongoing support or perhaps they are more interested in running, or taking part in, art workshops, cooking sessions, exercise classes and more.

The Butterfly Project offers a post programme support service for parents which helps improve mental well-being, prevent domestic abuse, reduce loneliness & social isolation, support with benefits, housing and parenting issues.