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May 23, 20226 min read
A letter to my children: What reflective practice can achieve.
So today The Guardian published a piece on the work that the New Beginnings organisation does, and mentioned specifically the reflective...
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Jadwiga T Leigh
Oct 25, 20215 min read
SEND assumptions and humane practice by Clare Western, Post Programme Support Worker, New Beginnings
Recently I've come across a theme from parents who have been asking for help addressing the complex and additional needs of their...
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Sep 30, 20204 min read
A Letter to Social Workers
I write this letter with the hope that you will understand my feelings and thoughts throughout the whole process of removing my child...

Jun 30, 20201 min read
Three Pieces of My Heart
All I seem to feel is hurt and pain The pieces of my heart just don't seem to fit again What did I do? Where did I go wrong? I just want...

Apr 30, 202010 min read
Ordinary Magic and the New Beginnings' Maternal Commons
By Jad, Matthew, Mellissa and *Rhianna When the News of the Lockdown Broke (Jad) On Thursday the 12th of March, it was Week 5 on the New...

Apr 16, 20205 min read
A Serious Case of Optimism? A response to the Child Safeguarding Practice Review
*This article was first published on the Community Care website Within child protection social work, ‘the rule of optimism’ is a term...

May 31, 20196 min read
Disguised Compliance or Undisguised Nonsense? Two Years on From the Original Twitter Debate
In 2017, Paul Hart, a family law barrister, wrote an article for the Family Law website entitled ‘Disguised compliance or undisguised...

May 16, 201911 min read
Sylvia’s Story: The importance of Standing Still
In October of last year, I wrote my first blog for New Beginnings called Being Ready: How do we know when parents are ready to work with...

Nov 30, 20185 min read
The End? Or Just the Beginning?
Last week, we attended our first conference. The Make Research Count conference organised by Ian Cummins and Helen Scholar from Salford...

Nov 2, 20183 min read
Silent Tears
I mentioned in the last blog 'Why don't you just leave him?' that we have been using narrative writing workshops during our New...

Oct 19, 20188 min read
Being Ready: How Do We Know When Parents are Ready to Work With Us?
The New Beginnings programme began in May this year and as I write this, it’s hard to believe that we are already over half way through...

Sep 28, 20185 min read
Why Don't You Just Leave Him?
Over the past few weeks, we have been carrying out narrative story-telling writing workshops with the women in our group all of whom have...
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